Sunday, March 8, 2020

Feels Like Spring!

I hope everyone is well and happy.  Remember to wash your hands often!  And that is all the news I will talk about here.

Before we found out that I was going to be having surgery, we had several projects planned around our home.  And I had us on schedules for some things.  One of those things was to have new mulch delivered and put down.  I had hoped to get the mulched areas all cleaned up and ready, but that did not happen due to weather and pain levels.  When the man called last week and said he would like to come do our mulch work the next day, I explained that to him.  He said no problem, let his guys take care of that for us.  So for an additional very small charge they cleaned up all the leaves and pine needles, bagged it all and hauled it away when they left.  They even cleaned out the river rocks across our back yard along the sound wall.  The rocks are there for drainage reasons and the fact that we couldn't get grass to grow back there.  They look nice, but are the dickens to keep cleaned up.  The leaves and needles just stick down between them.

The yard is looking much better now.  I am not stressing about not getting any yard work done.  At the rate the grass is growing I am afraid it won't be long before Les is going to have to mow and trim.  He usually gets to wait until we get into April.  But this year things are growing and blooming and sprouting all over the place.

I am continuing to get ready for my surgery and I'm doing my pre-surgery exercises every day, and following all my instructions.  On one beautiful morning last week I got ready and went out to do a couple errands.  One of those was looking at the garden center for pansies for the front porch.  Found some!  And got them all potted and set up even if it did take me longer than usual to do that job.

So on that note, here are a couple pictures that make me happy.

New mulch
I have to mention that I started writing this on Wednesday, March 4th. I discovered that I can not do blog posts on my tablet.  Our computer has been "sick" and Geek Squad was working on it.  The computer is back home now with a brand new hard drive and we are trying to get things set up.  I say "we", but the work is mostly being done by Les and he is doing a great job.  We have lost some things, but at least the computer is back and running.

I hope you all remembered to change all your clocks last night!

Life is still great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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