Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Just Stuff

I seem to have more pain each day since stopping my meds for surgery.  But I keep " plugging away" at things.  This morning Les and I did the Commissary shopping.  I've been trying to have things stocked up so there won't be so much that he might have to go get.  So that chore is done again and everything is put away.

I took care of a bunch of desk stuff.  It's the time of year when we have multiple services that get renewed, paid, and/or scheduled.  That is all done and papers filed.  Other than a phone call a few days ago to ask us a question, we have not heard from our tax guy yet.

I got my cane and walker labeled and ready.  I'm using the cane, but did not have my name on it yet.  And I got my overnight bag out of the closet.  Have not packed anything yet.

I'm trying to not watch too much of the depressing news in so many areas. 

But I have a smile to share!  This happens frequently around here!

Thanks to I Can Haz Cheeseburger site for the picture.
Life remains good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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