Friday, September 6, 2019

Storm Update and Some Random Thoughts (a small rant)

Hurricane Dorian has been a horrible damaging storm and has caused widespread disaster.  It is now entering our area in a much weaker form.  It will still bring rain, wind, and coastal flooding.  While I feel very sad about all the damage and the injuries and deaths Dorian has caused as it's moved on its path, I am annoyed with the local TV stations.

If you believe them with their non-stop broadcasts that have preempted everything else, you would think we were heading to the end of the world.  And the most absolute annoying part is that most of what they are constantly repeating is just common sense advice.  I have decided they are focusing on the less-intelligent part of the population. (and the clueless)

If you live here, when there is a large storm predicted, you should know to put gas in your car, get cash from the ATM (they don't work when the power goes out) and have basic food supplies and water on hand.  Charge your tech devices, make sure you have prescriptions refilled if you need to, secure loose items in your yard that can be blown around.  And for goodness sake, if the road is flooding, don't drive through it.  If you are told to stay off the roads, stay home!  I know for a fact that information is given out to new residents and is available online, and in the paper.  There is just no excuse for being stupid. 

If the TV stations are going to keep broadcasting, how about focusing on the people who are helping and who are doing things right and taking care of things.

And just one more thing on my rant here, why, oh why, do they send out the small, young reporters to stand out in the water and in the wind????  I've seen a couple almost get blown over!  One young guy did do a good report early this morning.  He was hanging onto a balcony rail at a hotel and looked out at the waves and surf and said, "Man, it is really gnarly out there!"

As for us, Dorian is just getting started here.  We have wind and steady rain. We have our generator and it will come on if we need it.  The cars are gassed up and in the garage. We will obey the "stay off the roads" instructions.  We have food, water, good books to read, and  movies to watch. Our furry boys are all napping.

Here is a view of our backyard at the moment:

Although since I took the picture it has gotten a little darker and windier.

In other news, we got our "senior" flu shots yesterday, so that is done.

Life remains great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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