For the past month there has been rain in the weather forecasts multiple times. Sadly, it did not come down on our house but maybe once or twice. It has been hot and humid, normal Virginia Summer weather. I am feeling it more this year. And the lack of rain has been bothering me.
Last night it started to rain. The forecasts have rain every day for the next week, although I am sure it won't be constant. I am just happy we are getting some rain. The grass, trees, and plants all look happier already! I am sorry for the guys who aren't getting their golf rounds played, but I am sure even they are glad to get the rain. The latest water bills arrived this week, and around here we have Summer rates, which make the bills even higher. Keep in mind Les programs our sprinkler system to run at optimum times - not every day - and we do not overwater; just get enough to keep everything alive and growing.
So, it's been another week already; one filled with all the usual things, errands, chores, plus some extra yard work and trips to the vet.
Angus had another antibiotic injection yesterday. He isn't great yet, but I think he's better. We're keeping an eye on him. He is doing all the important things like eating, drinking water, getting to the litter box, playing, and sitting on our laps. Finnigan and Cecil are doing well.
We did some extra yard work on Thursday. It was Les' normal day for mowing and other yard work. The temperatures were down a bit, so after breakfast I covered myself in bug spray and went out to do some clean-up, pruning, and other chores out there. Our day lilies were done blooming and it was time to cut them back. The hydrangeas were evidently done blooming, too, so they got a bit of pruning. In the large mulched area in the backyard, we had a rotting stump that was falling apart. I had picked up the pieces that had fallen loose. Les hammered at it with his axe, and it is now almost ground level. I raked the mulch and spread it around and you can hardly tell the stump was even there. I got a lot done in all the mulched areas but the far back. But I know when to quit and it will get done another time.

This is a picture of our new "mole chaser windmill" that we ordered from Lehman's Hardware in Ohio. We've tried just about everything else to get rid of the moles tearing up the yard, figured it couldn't hurt to try this. The hard parts were finding an 8' metal 1/2" pole and then Les having to use a ladder to get up high enough to hammer the thing in the ground!
In spite of the all the spray I doused myself with, I again have many itchy bug bites. It is a mystery. I never see anything, don't feel anything, and don't even know I've been bitten until itchy spots start appearing about twelve hours later. I'm using Sarna anti-itch lotion and Benadryl spray.
Les is watching The Open right now. I like seeing the different courses. This one looks brutal, but is still pretty.
We have been watching "Yellowstone". I love the scenery! Don't care for the story and some of the characters though. I guess I was spoiled by "Longmire". "Suits" is back; I don't care for some of those characters either. "Code Black" had the series finale. Sad to see it end, but I think the writers did a very good job of ending the story lines. Speaking of finales and story lines, keep good thoughts for the TV movie for "Timeless" to tie up their stories. It's another good show that was cancelled.
I finished reading the two books (so far) in the
Locked In series by John Scalzi. I enjoyed them and am hoping he writes more. He wrote the
Old Man's War series we both have read and liked. I'm not sure what I will start reading next. I have a stack of books to pick from!
As far as I know, all the family are well. Life is good! Stay safe and God Bless America!