Thursday, February 2, 2017

A Great Time!

Last evening BeyB and I went to the 30th Anniversary showing of "Dirty Dancing".  It is one of my favorite movies; BeyB had never seen it.  This was not the usual movie viewing experience for me.  I am used to the theater being very quiet, I usually get annoyed if it is not.  Last night was different.

The theater was full.  I think there were only two men in the audience.  The audience was pretty evenly divided between young ladies and older ladies who had enjoyed the movie the first time around.

There was applause at certain points,  a few gasps at other times, and joyous celebration at other  times accompanied by one lady sitting in the row behind us shouting something like "Oh, praise Jesus, my Lord!" and fanning herself.  😊  There was a standing ovation at the end of the movie.  BeyB said she liked the movie and the music.  We had a fun time and good conversation on the way to and from the show.

Good times!

Stay safe and God Bless America!

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