Friday, April 1, 2016

An Open Letter to Any TV Show Writers

Sorry, people, it's time for a vent.

Golfer and I like to watch TV and movies.  Fortunately we both like the same types of shows.  But there are some things happening on several of them that annoy us.  (mostly me)

We have a family history of  finding faults with shows.  If we watch a show with a military theme, Golfer can pick out errors.  Aircraft is not what they way it is, or not used at the time period in the show, military uniforms are not right.  Nurse J picks out the mistakes in medical shows; incorrect procedures, sterile areas being contaminated, etc.  Bikini can pick out problems when tech is involved; outdated programming, dangerous practices, etc.  IT Guy and Brief enter in the discussions, too.  My own fault finding covers a wide range of topics, sort of "multi-functional".

Police and Homeland Security are telling us "if you see something, say something". You would think the writers would reinforce that a bit.  Right now there are a lot of ignorant characters on shows we watch.  On "Blindspot" Jane is withholding information.  On "Quantico" it's Alex who is hiding things.  Everyone is hiding things on "How to Get Away With Murder"!  And don't get me started on all the students on "Magicians".  For goodness sake, tell your instructors there are demons coming in!

And while I'm venting here, why is it that when the characters are going into a building on a search, it is always dark?!  And all the lights they have with them are little tiny things like you would have on a key-chain.  Seems to me if you are looking for something or someone, you would want to be able to see.  Either turn on the lights in the building or have a lantern or something with you.

On police dramas, why are so many bullets fired and nothing gets hit???  I know for a fact that police have training and have to qualify on the shooting range.  There will be the bad guy running off, or driving away, and bullets flying all over the place. If he's driving, shoot the tires out!

Another thing that bothers me is cooking shows where they are frequently tasting the food and reusing the same spoon in the pot.  Big no-no!  Mrs. Hugus, my Home EC teacher from many years ago, would be having a hissy fit if she saw someone doing that!  Ah, a moment here for fond memories!  Learning to make a bed properly, balance a check book, and plan a meal!

And let me mention the lack of common sense.  Of course, there is a nation-wide epidemic of common sense deprivation.  But that is a topic for another vent another time.  Come on!  Don't get into a car with a stranger.  Keep your home secured and lock your doors.  A show recently had a serial killer walk into an apartment that was wide open.  Stupid!  Don't get excited about an anonymous invitation email and go off to a strange place to meet a strange person.  And if you don't know what's in that drink or food, keep them out of your mouth!

While I'm writing about movies and shows, a suggestion to the directors, too.  Tell the actors to slow down their speech a little.  Some of us don't listen that fast and would like to enjoy the dialog!

In conclusion, let me say that I am fully aware that if the writers and directors paid attention at all to any of this, we'd be watching some pretty boring shows that would be cancelled after an episode or two.  I'll keep watching and will keep on commenting.

Well, I feel better!  Stay safe!

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