Monday, March 7, 2016


For some reason, I am in worry mode.  Nothing terrible has happened, and nothing urgent going on.  I'm pretty sure it isn't a hormonal flux either.  :)  My Mom always told me that it didn't matter how old I got, I was always her little girl.  That is so right, she was still saying it when she died at 101.  Golfer and I have two great daughters.  They are smart, capable, responsible adults.  They are good mothers.  They are the principal income-producers in their families with great jobs.  They work hard. And yet I worry about them.  So I am trying to tell myself not to stress about things.  Wish me luck.

The general state of the country worries me a lot, too.  And the world.  A friend recently posted this on Facebook.  It sums up my feelings on a lot of things.

I think I may go out and sit in the sun.  It's cool outside but is supposed to get a lot warmer this week.  I'm sure this will help my mood.  I don't tolerate whiners, so I am telling myself to "suck it up and get on with it".

Stay safe, people!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Geez, Mom. Stop worrying. We're all cool here.