Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How We Spent Our Tuesday

This post is to let you know that we are not just retired, old fogies who just sit around and read, go to the "Y" and play golf.  :)

The day started out as usual with the watching of "Mike and Mike" on ESPN, the usual morning chores, breakfast, and paper reading.  Life is good!

Then we were off to a personal gun safety class taught by a really nice retired policeman named Andy.  There was a lot we did not know.  :)  We do now.  He determined our dominant eyes.  I am right dominant, Golfer is left eye dominant.  We shot some rounds on a simulator to check our sighting.  Then we went to the shooting range.  Golfer shot a semi-automatic.  I shot a 38 revolver.  Here are our results:


I started out well, but the more I shot the more my hands felt it.  And at some point I switched eyes and that threw things off.  If you can see the holes at the top of the target and the head and neck shots, that's when I was shooting with just the left hand.   But you can see that I hit the middle quite a few times!  I want to go again!

For those of you who are saying "Huh, ????"  When I was a girl, many years ago - haha - Mom made sure I could shoot her gun.  We'd go to one of her friend's farms and shoot in an empty field, or walk the railroad tracks out to the bridge over the Tuscarawas River.  We would stand there and shoot at cans and trash floating down the river.  It was a really bad time in history for pollution, around the time Lake Erie caught on fire.  That is all cleaned up now and it's very nice.  Of course, it is now illegal to walk on the tracks or to shoot at the river.  But, hey, times change, and life moves on!

So we finished our class, and it was lunch time.  We had an Italian buffet at Luigi's, which just recently reopened for lunch after being closed many years.  It was good and I loved the music they were playing.  I always have liked Dean Martin.

Then we went to vote.

Here's another gun picture for you to ponder:

This is me on my sixth birthday.  Notice the gun and holster.  Mrs. Applebee let me wear that to school, all day, for show and tell!  We were always allowed to bring in our favorite present on our birthdays.  No one complained. I was not expelled.  No one got upset, except maybe the other kids who wanted one, too.

Stay safe, people!

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