Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Easter Weekend!

And Happy Spring!

Golfer is playing golf today.  Our weather cooled off overnight, but it's still nice out, just cooler.  The sun is shining, the temperature is in mid-50's, and the pollen is flying around!

As I was having my breakfast and reading the paper this morning, I started to hear a noise from outside.  I thought it was awful early for someone to be mowing, and figured it was just a truck.  But it never stopped.  Finally I got up and went to look and it was our landscaper who did the work last Fall.  He and his guys were out there fixing some problems.  They worked for several hours and everything is all done and looks lovely.  There is one patched strip along our driveway that we need to water every day for a week.  But the back area is all done and looks good!

You can't tell from this picture, but there are already buds on the hydrangeas and rhododendrons.

And since I was out there taking pictures, here's one of another area in the back yard.

The rest of the day is just doing odds and ends; no major chores or things on the schedule.  Stay safe and have a great weekend!

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