Monday, February 15, 2016

This Is Proof

Our weather here lately is proof that it is going to do what God wants it to do, not what the forecasters say it's going to do.  A couple days ago, they were forecasting and advising like snowmageddon was on the way.  They got the cold temperatures right.  It has been COLD!  But around here we got a light dusting of snow.  That's all.

This current "event" didn't get near as much hype and was predicted to be a light dusting turning to sleet, freezing rain, and then just rain as it got warmer.  It's in the mid-20's right now and we woke up to over two inches of snow covering everything.  Schools are closed for Presidents' Day but all the other closings are scrolling across the TV.  We are hoping that the temperatures will rise and the snow will melt with whatever rain comes.  Even though we are one of the few families to actually own a snow shovel around here, we prefer to not use it. :)

It has been entertaining for the furry kids.  Here are Angus and Finnigan keeping a watch on the changing conditions.  Particularly large flakes make them nervous!

Cecil has gone to curl up in a warm spot.  :)

Stay warm and stay safe!

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