Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Differing Opinions

Hey, all!  We've had some lovely weather here for a couple days.  Yesterday was in the 70's and sunny.  A front came through last evening and we got some rain and today will only get into the low 50's, but at least it's still sunny.

I took advantage of the nice weather and got outside over the weekend and did a little yard clean-up.  Pulled a couple weeds (I don't think they ever stop growing around here).  Also got my grabber and huge bags and picked up a bunch of small limbs, twigs, and "stuff" that had come down in the wind during the snow storm.  Also finished cutting back the day lilies that hadn't been ready to cut the last time I was out working in the yard.  Last week the man from Virginia Green came and did the first lawn treatment of the year.

Golfer got to get out and play some golf and he was very happy about that.  We've kept up our "Y" routine, and been doing things around the house.

Today's title "Differing Opinions" could refer to politics, but I don't go there.  :)  Instead I'd like to mention the groundhogs.  Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow and predicts an early Spring!  However, Chesapeake Chuck did see his shadow and he says there will be six more weeks of Winter.  Keep in mind what Al Roker said this morning - it's a fifty-fifty chance either way!

Have a good day and stay safe!

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