Friday, February 12, 2016

OMG! It's Snowmageddon!

Well, at least that's what it sounds like we're supposed to think around here.  The screen crawls started last evening for closings, road conditions, early school dismissals, etc.  It's cold here - 27 right now.  And it started to snow a little before 3:00 p.m.  Since it's been so cold, the snow is sticking.  The weekend forecast is for the temperature to be about 20 and windy, with a wind chill of zero.  Definitely no golf this weekend.

But we are okay here.  I was out early this morning and made a Commissary trip to pick up a few things.  Also put gas in Kirk.  We have nothing on the calendar for a couple days, so we're fine.  And we always try to stay off the roads whenever it snows because there are so many people who don't have a clue how to drive in it.

Cutie Girl's eye surgery is being delayed in hopes that the problem will get better and if not, when she is older the other treatment options will be suitable.  Nurse J said she took her for a haircut, but we have not seen it yet.

Our furry kids are being entertained by the falling snow.  And they are hunting warm spots.  They love it when we get out our quilts in the evening when we watch TV.

So, life is good.  Stay warm and stay safe!

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