Monday, January 25, 2016

Yay! Off to a Good Start!

Weather update:  still cold, still snow on the ground, still icy, cloudy.  Reports are that some roads are still bad.

Water Heater update:  Herb, from Smith and Keene, just left.  The heater is running and we should have hot water later today!  I called right at 8:00 a.m. and had prompt service.  We  have an annual contract with the company and that helps in getting on the service schedule, plus there are discounts.

So the day is going pretty well so far.  :)   I fixed breakfast - Monday is omelet day for Golfer.  After we ate I cleaned up the kitchen and did a few usual morning things around here.  Made a couple phone calls to schedule things.  Talked to Nurse J, they are all okay.  She called to wish me a happy day!

Life is good.  Stay warm and stay safe!

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