Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Weather Update

We got a couple inches of snow yesterday.  It was cold and windy.  Then late in the day it turned to sleet and freezing rain.  When we went to bed the temperature was rising and the snow was melting.

However..... the temperature is dropping and the high was reached very early today.  It's now 30 and has been lightly snowing.  The snow is supposed to increase and the also the wind.  Maybe accumulate up to four inches.  The melted snow and rain is frozen on the streets and they are saying don't go out unless you have to.  So, we're in for the day.

There has been some coastal and tidal flooding and there have been some power outages.  We are fine.  Doing odds and ends around the house and catching up on email and shows.  I checked with Nurse J and she says they are all okay at her house.

Bikini had a snow day in Georgia yesterday, too.  Checked with her and she says they are fine, but still cold.

Finnigan heard the weather reports and he took refuge in the kitty tent!

Stay safe!

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