Friday, January 22, 2016

And the Weather Begins . . . .

It's been snowing here for about an hour now.  There had been just a little snow left from the last snowfall, so it has a nice cold base.  According to the latest report, we're going to have a couple inches of snow turning into a mix, then sleet, then rain which will melt the fallen snow, and then back to snow again.  And the weather man always puts his disclaimer on the report saying it all depends on the temperatures, speed of the air mass, and the wind.  Supposed to have high winds with some gusts near 50 mph.  Right now the temperature is 29.

Because of the wind and the tide cycles, there will be tidal flooding in coastal areas.  The school closings started running across the TV screen last evening.  They are advising everyone to not go out unless necessary.  They are expecting some power outages.

I fixed breakfast this morning and cleaned the kitchen, changed the bed and did a couple loads of laundry.  I plan to cut the furry boys' nails later and give them a good combing.  Then I'll vacuum.

I bundled up and went out to get the paper and fill the bird feeder.  There is now a waiting line out there!  About half a dozen different kinds of birds all getting a quick bite before hunkering down, I guess.  It's certainly entertaining Angus, he's been looking out the window.

So, here we are.  The cars are gassed up, the generator tests itself every week, the pantry and fridge are full.  We have books to read, recorded show to watch, life is good!

And I got some beautiful birthday flowers from Golfer!

Stay warm and stay safe!

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