Saturday, September 26, 2015

Dark and Rainy

We are in the  midst of a "system" here.  Heavy rain, wind, and tidal and coastal flooding.  Southside is getting more of it right now than we are.  We've had some wind and some rain, but nothing out of the ordinary.

The golf tournament scheduled for today has been postponed for a few weeks.  Golfer is watching a movie.  I've been doing my morning stuff.

I have continued with my cleaning out project.  DAV came and did a pick-up on Thursday.  We'll have more for another pick-up soon.  And more for the dumpster!

In my latest work I found some Bush/Cheney '04 bumper stickers and some Desert Storm bumper stickers.  Also found was a stack of papers from many years ago when I was getting unemployment for a while.  So that made a space in the desk!  Funny what we think we need to hang on to, isn't it?

If you need an extra smile today, here's a picture of Cutie Girl as she is getting to know Ralph.

Stay safe!

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