Saturday, September 6, 2014

Why Don't Pictures Get Labeled?

Over the last couple years we seem to have been the recipients of old pictures.  Some from Golfer's Mom, hundreds and hundreds of slides from Golfer's Dad, pictures from my Mom, some from my Sister.  They are all very interesting to look at, but for the most part we have absolutely no idea who most of the people are!

Golfer's Mom did have a habit of taking her pen and circling herself in photos so that helps identify her, but doesn't' do much for the photo.  We have some of her school class photos like that.

My Mom liked to take a picture and make cutouts of the people and then frame those.  That makes for little interesting bits.

On our recent trip to Ohio my niece gave me a box of things from my sister.  Pat has been cleaning out the house and it is now up for sale.  As she cleaned things out she made piles for everyone.  In my box was more pictures!  I have to give my Grama Ethel credit.  I found one of her school class pictures and on the back all the names are written down!  Hurray!

 Grama - Ethel Burge - is the girl on the right in the dark dress.  According to the names, several other students were relatives.
And then I found some pictures of my Mom.  I have to say, Mom was a "looker"!

I have no idea who the young woman is with the big white bow bathing cap!  That's Mom in the dark suit.

She looks happy here.  And has pretty lace curtains!

Our girls would call this the "contemplating the future" pose.
I have many questions though...... Where was she?  Who took the pictures?  Who's the other bathing beauty?  She was forty when she had me, so the pictures were way before my time.  I also found school photos.  They say Edna's class.... but no names listed.

So I am adding some more to our pile of photos.  And some day, hopefully really far in the future, our daughters will be going through the boxes saying, "Do you know who this is?"

Stay safe!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Hmm... she's possibly contemplating the future, but she also looks sort of ticked at the past!