Saturday, September 13, 2014

Some Puzzling Ponderings

Why isn't there spell check on Closed Captioning on TV?????  When I am at the "Y", and using some of the machines, sometimes I have a TV monitor in front of me.  I don't use ear buds because I move from one machine to another and then get in the pool.  So I turn on the CC when there is a screen.  I know that whoever is typing it has to do it quickly.  But couldn't they have spell check??  There are times when it is impossible to even guess what is being said.

Why can't a person with an ill chosen piece of body art just go to a tattoo place and get some flesh colored ink put over it????  I have no personal experience with this, but it seems to me it would be cheaper and easier than having the artwork lazered off your body.

I often use the drive-up ATM at our Credit Union.  Why are there instructions posted in braille there????

Stay safe!

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