Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring and "Post-Mess" Cleaning

Hey, all!

Some of you know I am a list maker.  Right now I am working my way through a lengthy to-do list.  Any time you have anything done in or around your home, you will have a mess.  I don't care how careful the guys are.  And the ones we use are pretty careful and clean up after themselves.  But like I said, there is always a mess. 

So I am working my way through the list.  I am about done with the window cleaning.  I couldn't start on that until the power washing was done.  As I've been doing the windows, I have been cleaning/refreshing the window treatments.  And there have been lots of other cleaning projects going on, too.  And yard work.  The furry kids are leery of the vacuum and look like they are thinking "where is she going next?"

I finally got the grill cleaned yesterday and Golfer used it to cook supper last night.  I will shop with that in mind on the next grocery trip!

NurseJ and all are doing well.  Bikini says they are fine, too.

Here are a couple pictures of the deck and back yard.

Stay safe and have a great weekend!

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