Thursday, April 11, 2013

I've Put This Off Long Enough

Hey, all,

I haven't posted much lately.  And I've been putting off writing this post because I was hesitant to start venting on something regarding work.  But now that I have "retired" and am no longer working, and have had a while to think about this, I am ready to do some venting.  As long as I was actually in the office as the church secretary I wanted to honor my responsibilities and commitments.

Golfer and I joined a lovely UCC church in 1999 and became very active in all areas of church life.  I eventually became the secretary.  Progress happens, things change and life goes on.  Somewhere along the way, the national UCC headquarters pushed for O&A (open and affirming).  They played ads on TV, radio and in print.  After a while it was all you heard about.

Our church had always been a welcoming place with the motto "all are welcome".  I absolutely believe everyone should be allowed to worship wherever they want.  I believe that "all are welcome" pretty much covers all possibilities.  But the O&A movement did more harm than good as far as I can see.

God made all people. He made them the way they are.   I believe in "live and let live".  I do not believe homosexuality is a "choice".  Having said that,  I really don't think that the focus of worship services needs to be focused on LGBT conditions and slanted towards them.  The LGBT community's issues are not the first thing I want to know about someone when I meet them.

People left the church after the O&A vote which was pushed through by the assistant pastor while the pastor was out of state conducting his father's funeral.  More people left when there was a vote on sacred unions.  Church officers got concerned and decided to not renew the pastor's contract, so he left.  The assistant pastor was already gone.  This was several years ago.

The leaders grew concerned because there were no children in the Sunday School and worship service.  They didn't know why; could not figure it out.  Families would come once or twice, then never be seen again.  I could have told them, but no one wanted to hear me.  Most parents aren't comfortable bringing their small children to church when there are men kissing in the parking lot and women hugging on each other in the pews. 

I want a worship service that sounds and acts like a church service.  I want the scripture readings to sound like they are coming from the Bible.  I want standard hymns.  Please (!!) do not change the words to the old favorites.  Worship should not be a social action meeting or a political rally.

Hence our withdrawal.  It just got to be too much.  We miss the church.  We have not found another yet.  We can, and do, speak with God just fine on our own though.  There are still some good people there trying to hang on and keep things going.  I fear they are being out-numbered though.

There still is no full-time pastor.  What there is is a "consultant".  He is immature, irresponsible, unprofessional, and places very little importance on the planning or delivery of a worship service.  He also lies.  And somehow he has some of the church leaders completely brainwashed into believing he is the answer to all the woes of the church.  He never fooled me for a moment. 

Since I was one of the people he lied about and he sent an email out saying he wanted to eliminate contact with me, I am not working as secretary any longer.  I stuck it out for over ten months hoping things would get better.  They didn't.  They got progressively worse.  I gave my letter of resignation after thirteen years of doing the church's work.

I don't know where things are headed there.  I do know that I feel better and am sleeping much more soundly now.  I wish the church well.

Peace and Joy, folks.  Stay safe.

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