As you know, my recovery from knee replacement surgery had been progressing very well. And then we hit a "snag". My physical therapy got a bit too intense and I developed some severe pain and swelling in my knee and leg. This developed while Golfer and I were on a trip to Lancaster, PA for a short vacation. More on that later. I got in to see my doctor as soon as we returned home. After several x-rays and looking and poking at my leg, Dr. A. said during the PT some scar tissue had torn and bled into my knee causing the inflammation and problems. So I've had to use the cane again, and have been taking some medicine and had a break from the PT. I also have a knee brace to wear if I'm going to be up on my feet and walking around a lot. It is getting better and I just have to be patient.
The Lancaster trip was lovely, even with my leg problems. We saw some great Christmas shows and did some sight-seeing. It was cold and windy most of the time. The area is famous for it's Amish life and farms and history. Golfer and I grew up seeing Amish buggies on the road in Ohio, so that wasn't a big attraction for us. But we did enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
When we returned from our trip it was time to get ready for Bikini's family to come to visit for an early Christmas. My preparations were hampered a bit by my knee, but things got done and Golfer was wonderful with his help. We had an early Christmas because Nurse J's family was going to Illinois to spend the holiday with CableGuy's parents. It was great having everyone together and the kids were so cute playing with their new toys.
Then, sadly, on the evening of the 20th, we got a call from my sister and niece saying Mom had passed away. She was a good lady, 101, and died the way she had always said she wanted to go - in her own apartment. We hurried and got ourselves packed and ready and took off for Ohio the next day. Her funeral was on a cold, windy day with snow on the ground. Golfer "officiated" at Mom's request. She had said she didn't want a stranger talking about her.
We did what we could to help go through her belongings and pack things up. The weather forecast was not good. Golfer was keeping a close watch on it. After an early Christmas Day dinner with Golfer's brother and family, we got on the road and headed for home. It was a long day, and a trying time to be driving in the dark and snow and ice. But we made it home a little before midnight.
This is what we saw the next morning. There is still some snow on th

So, I really have been thinking about writing here, but just haven't gotten to it.
For now, I'll just say Happy New Year, stay safe!
And we miss you Mom.

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