For starters, I am still coughing and taking all the meds; I am feeling better though. However, I ended up having a cortisone shot in each knee last week. The right one is better, the left not so much. I've been being careful! I took my time and went at my own pace and did some cleaning, washed some windows, and pulled a few weeds. Also been going to work.
Golfer is doing okay. The doctor took the pins out of his hand today and they adjusted his splint. He goes back in three weeks and they will do some x-rays. In a few days he can start taking the splint off to shower and then put it back on. And then in another few days, he can start weaning off the splint a little bit at a time.
Our new fence is done! And then our friend, Chris - who does landscaping and agreed to help us while Golfer is recuperating - came and smoothed out the areas around the posts and then mowed for us. Then the man who does our regular lawn maintenance came and aerated, seeded, put down fertilizer and weed-killer. So now it's just a matter of letting the grass grow for a bit!

This is the view we used to have from our back yard. I realize it's a little dark, but I didn't want to be real obvious while I was taking the picture. Not shown in the photo are the large barking dogs that live over there, the picnic tables piled with stuff, assorted hoses piled up, dog toys and the frequent bags of trash that are out there.
I love new wood! It's so nice and clean!
And another view of the other side of the yard!
Remember - good fences make good neighbors!
That's all for now....stay safe!
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