Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey, All!

It's a dark, cool, rainy day here. The furry kids and I just had a short nap. Highly unusual for me (not for them) and it felt good!

I finally got my flu shot today. Golfer and I had an appointment to both get them last week. He got his just fine. I hit a snag with getting mine though. I've been getting flu shots for years and years, and always fill out the paperwork and always give the same answers to the same questions. This year, because I said I had been allergic to feathers as a child, they said I couldn't have one. I think I surprised them. I guess normally a person told that would say "okay" and then leave. I didn't. I've never had a reaction to the flu shots, never had a problem with eggs, and wanted to have someone explain why all of a sudden it was forbidden. Eventually, our doctor came out and talked to me and gave his explanation which made sense. And from his perspective he probably has to respond with a "no" for malpractice reasons. But my argument made sense, too, and he said he'd look into a test to be sure if I had a reaction to feathers or not now. The test was done a few days ago and the results were in this morning and I have now had my flu shot! So there, germs!

The picture hunt project is on-going. The scanner doesn't want to cooperate. We haven't used it since we bought it. It's a HP combination deal with printer, scanner, copier all in one machine. Everything else works, but I can't get the computer and the scanner part to talk to each other. We'll work on it this weekend. The lovely weather is supposed to last until at least next Monday, so we will need some indoor projects to do to prevent sleeping all weekend!

I finally bought a pumpkin at the Commissary and put on the porch. I usually like to get them at a Farmers' Market, but my leg is not up to walking around and dealing with lumpy ground. I have not gotten any chrysanthemums though. The red geraniums are still blooming full force and are lovely.

Golfer has a couple more doctor appointments scheduled hoping to find relief for the pain he's having. His hand is healing well.

That's about it from here. Stay safe! (and dry!)

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