Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hey, All!

It's me again!

The weather here is pretty nice today. Sort of a "lull before the storm" if you want to believe the weather forecasts. It's sunny and nice out right now. But starting tomorrow they are predicting a lot cooler, and rain with high wind for a few days. Woo-hoo! It's not like either of us is up for any yard work or playing golf right now anyway.

I go for an MRI this evening for my painful knee. Then I guess there will be a discussion with my ortho doc about what to do next after he sees the scans. If nothing else shows up on the MRI, then I guess I'll have the "chicken lip" injections he's been telling me about. I asked my rheumatologist about those, and he thinks it's a good idea also. So I'll probably give it a try.

I've been going through some boxes of old photos. I was given the task of gathering pictures for the folks to put together a presentation at Golfer's retirement ceremony in a few months. I'm probably about halfway done with that project. I always get slowed down going through those boxes when I get to Nurse J's and Bikini's baby pictures! Of course, mixed in there with those are baby pictures of Golfer and me, our parents and other relatives. (It's a big bunch of pictures!) I still have to go through some albums and take a couple pictures out of frames to be scanned.

I also finished preparing our 2010 calendar. (Bikini will be proud I'm so organized) Seems with all the doctor appointments lately we had several cards for next March already, so now everyone's birthday and anniversary and all appointments so far are logged on!

Not much else going on right now. Stay safe!

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