Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Siding is Finished!

We really like our new siding.  The house looks much better.  This new is a bit darker color than the original.  I am still in the process of washing windows and doing some extra cleaning.  It is amazing how much needs to be done inside the house with all the hammering outside the house.  But it is worth it and I am taking my time.

One of the first things that I did after the siding was done, was to go to the garden center and get some Geraniums for the front porch!   I also cleaned up the mulched area and the front looks better now, too

Les is doing alright.  My hand therapy is coming along.  I go twice a week and have exercises for my hands to do at home.

Our TLX goes into Acura tomorrow for some recall work we've been getting notices about.  They finally have the needed parts.

Our sprinkler system is supposed to be turned on Friday.  I hope so, because I really don't care of going out to water things with the hose.  They are running so late this year and have rescheduled us, too, due to short staffing.

As you can see in the first picture, the new yard people are doing a good job and the yard is looking good.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  And God Bless America!

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