Saturday, June 8, 2024

LifeNet Memorial


I took this picture of the lovely memorial in the Riverside Hospital the last time Les was in there.  The memorial was done by Jacquie's company, LifeNet.  It is in memory of organ donors.  Sorry it took me so long to post this.  

In other news, it is hot and humid here, and we need rain.  Our sprinkler system is STILL not turned on.  Precipitation Unlimited is seriously understaffed and has cancelled our appointments several times.  

We took our TLX to Acura for the recall work that was scheduled.  They could not do the work because they had no parts.  The nice man explained to me that the call center is in Florida and they have no idea what dealers have.  My personal feeling on this is that it is a really bad way to run a business, especially when they sent us a letter saying to come in for the work.  If the car suddenly stops sometime while I am out and about, I intend to call them and tell them to come get me and the car and give me a new car to drive until they can return ours all fixed.  Wish me luck.  I am hoping the replacement would be the bright blue RDX with the red interior that I have seen. 😊

I am still working on projects around here and crossing things off my to-do list slowly.

Hand therapy is going well.  My wrist and hand are feeling a little better.  I go twice a week.

Take care and stay safe.  Life is good.  And God Bless America!

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