Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bits and Pieces

I thought this was a good one to post now that school is out for the Summer. 😎

It's hot, humid and dry here.  We need some rain.  We also still need our sprinkler system company to get here and turn the system on!  

Pam won first place in her category at the Atlanta Quilt Show!  It is beautiful!

Jacquie and Jordan came over this morning to help me with some things in our shed.  Since we now have a lawn /landscaping company coming to do our mowing, edging, trimming, etc. and because we are not going to be doing all that ourselves, we have some equipment to part with.  Jacquie will help with posting and selling.  They helped get some things out to the curb for our bulk pick up tomorrow, too.  Unfortunately, we have mice out in the shed and they made a big mess.  I did some cleaning and sweeping out there and made sure they mouse baits were still there.  Holes chewed in bags of grass seed make a big mess!

I am now all showered, shampooed, and disinfected.  That was an "ICKY" job out there.  When the rest of the things are moved out, I will finish the cleaning.

Take care and stay safe.  God Bless America!

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