Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Anniversary Update

We had a nice, quiet day, stayed in, and had some good pizza. I baked some brownies for dessert.

I wanted to let everyone know what a great husband Les is.  Not only did he give me a couple dozen beautiful roses, but he gave me an "Elvis in a pink Cadillac" gnome!  I want to impress on you all how important this gift is.  Les is NOT particularly fond of any gnomes. 😊

We also received a book we both want to read and several small anniversary cakes from Jacquie.  Thank you!

Stay safe and take care of yourselves.  

Monday, June 24, 2024

Fifty-Seven Years and Counting 💖

Les, I love you now and forever.

This picture was taken on a hot June day at our small country church with no air conditioning, and a crowded sanctuary full of family and friends with some of them standing because the church was full.  One of Les' Groomsmen was also in uniform and when a breeze came in the open windows and started to blow the American flag over, he lunged for it and got it before it hit the floor.  The preacher stopped the ceremony at one point to wipe Les' face.  And here we are all married!

Happy Anniversary to us!  Thanks for the wonderful life and the beautiful flowers, honey!  Love you lots!  XOXO

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Well, Time Just Ran Out Again

I have thought about posting here quite often.  But either time or energy runs out and posting doesn't get done.  So, hey!  I hope you are all doing well and staying safe.

My hand therapy went well.  I passed the testing and they have released me for now.  They want to have a recheck the end of July before they finally close out the insurance, and at any time I can always request to return.  So far, so good, and I am being careful.

I wish our yard looked as green as it did in a previous post's picture.  We have not had rain in quite a while.  And our sprinkler system was not turned on until the 10th.  The company was running so late this year it really messed things up in our yard.   But it's running on it's schedule and the back-flow inspection has been done and passed.  There is much yard work that I want to do, but right now the temperature is a humid 101 degrees and I am not stupid, so none of that work is getting done.

I've been working on my "To-Do" list and have recently done the major scrubbing of the bathrooms and tile, cleaned carpet, cleaned and treated the wood flooring, and mopped the tile floors.  Windows have also been cleaned inside and out.  

Les fell a couple weeks ago.  After a few days of Tylenol and using heat on his back, he saw our doctor.  X-rays were ordered; nothing broken, but strained and arthritis.  The muscle relaxants and alternating heat and ice seemed to have helped and he is feeling better and being careful.

Our wooden file cabinet that we've had at least thirty years developed problems and one drawer would not close.  Eventually I emptied all the drawers and turned it on its side and had all my tools ready.  Les and I looked at it and poked at everything and decided we couldn't fix it,  the sliders on the side of the drawer just simply would not move and we could not get to where I could put the screws back in that had fallen out.  But we made the effort!  And decided to just get a new one.  And I decided if we were doing that, to get one that matched our other Amish made solid wood office furniture.  It should be here in eight weeks or so.  It is being built in Ohio, not far from where we grew up! 😊  In the meantime, I am doing a deep clean on all our file folders and temporarily putting the files in some bankers boxes I had in the closet.

No further progress has been made on garage or shed cleaning.  But it will get eventually get done.  There are still things that need to move to new homes or else be donated.  Like I said, I'm not stupid.  I'm not moving things just so I can clean either area and then moving those things back.  Work smarter, not harder!

Take care of  yourselves and stay safe.  God Bless America!

Just a picture of a recent evening sky.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Bits and Pieces

I thought this was a good one to post now that school is out for the Summer. 😎

It's hot, humid and dry here.  We need some rain.  We also still need our sprinkler system company to get here and turn the system on!  

Pam won first place in her category at the Atlanta Quilt Show!  It is beautiful!

Jacquie and Jordan came over this morning to help me with some things in our shed.  Since we now have a lawn /landscaping company coming to do our mowing, edging, trimming, etc. and because we are not going to be doing all that ourselves, we have some equipment to part with.  Jacquie will help with posting and selling.  They helped get some things out to the curb for our bulk pick up tomorrow, too.  Unfortunately, we have mice out in the shed and they made a big mess.  I did some cleaning and sweeping out there and made sure they mouse baits were still there.  Holes chewed in bags of grass seed make a big mess!

I am now all showered, shampooed, and disinfected.  That was an "ICKY" job out there.  When the rest of the things are moved out, I will finish the cleaning.

Take care and stay safe.  God Bless America!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

LifeNet Memorial


I took this picture of the lovely memorial in the Riverside Hospital the last time Les was in there.  The memorial was done by Jacquie's company, LifeNet.  It is in memory of organ donors.  Sorry it took me so long to post this.  

In other news, it is hot and humid here, and we need rain.  Our sprinkler system is STILL not turned on.  Precipitation Unlimited is seriously understaffed and has cancelled our appointments several times.  

We took our TLX to Acura for the recall work that was scheduled.  They could not do the work because they had no parts.  The nice man explained to me that the call center is in Florida and they have no idea what dealers have.  My personal feeling on this is that it is a really bad way to run a business, especially when they sent us a letter saying to come in for the work.  If the car suddenly stops sometime while I am out and about, I intend to call them and tell them to come get me and the car and give me a new car to drive until they can return ours all fixed.  Wish me luck.  I am hoping the replacement would be the bright blue RDX with the red interior that I have seen. 😊

I am still working on projects around here and crossing things off my to-do list slowly.

Hand therapy is going well.  My wrist and hand are feeling a little better.  I go twice a week.

Take care and stay safe.  Life is good.  And God Bless America!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Siding is Finished!

We really like our new siding.  The house looks much better.  This new is a bit darker color than the original.  I am still in the process of washing windows and doing some extra cleaning.  It is amazing how much needs to be done inside the house with all the hammering outside the house.  But it is worth it and I am taking my time.

One of the first things that I did after the siding was done, was to go to the garden center and get some Geraniums for the front porch!   I also cleaned up the mulched area and the front looks better now, too

Les is doing alright.  My hand therapy is coming along.  I go twice a week and have exercises for my hands to do at home.

Our TLX goes into Acura tomorrow for some recall work we've been getting notices about.  They finally have the needed parts.

Our sprinkler system is supposed to be turned on Friday.  I hope so, because I really don't care of going out to water things with the hose.  They are running so late this year and have rescheduled us, too, due to short staffing.

As you can see in the first picture, the new yard people are doing a good job and the yard is looking good.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  And God Bless America!