Monday, November 1, 2021

It's November!


Halloween is over for another year.  Chris and Jordan took the little ones around their neighborhood last evening to a few of their neighbors' homes.  And they got to do the Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday, so they all had a good time.  It was quiet here in our neighborhood.  Our Kiln Creek Community was promoting their Halloween/Fall Festival and encouraged each neighborhood to participate in the Trunk-or Treat that was being done there.  

I have packed away our Halloween decorations and gotten out our few Thanksgiving ones.  It is starting to look and feel more like Fall here; it was 47 this morning.  There is some leaf color around.  And we have lots of brown ones falling all over.  🍂

I did all the usual "morning stuff" here at home and then went for my Starbucks.  Les is playing golf.  I also went back out and did a couple errands.  I have now mailed/shipped all of the Christmas things that we needed to send.  🎄 You know the news reports keep telling us to do all this early this year due to the shortages and shipping delays and increased costs.  So I did! 😊

Tomorrow Les and I will go vote and then go to breakfast; his turn to pick where.  Thursday we will get our Covid boosters.

Doing any yard work was delayed for me by a really bad muscle cramp and spasm in my leg.  That happened during the night and lasted all the next day.  So I decided any yard work could just wait. Crap happens.

But Life is great!  Stay safe and take care of yourselves.  And God Bless America!

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