Thursday, November 18, 2021

A First!

Ever since we built our home, we have known we had wildlife around us.  We have had squirrels, raccoons, moles, voles, geese, eagles, hawks, turtles, frogs, and more.  We have seen reports of coyotes and deer in our neighborhood, too. 

This morning as I was cooking breakfast, I had a view out the window and something caught my eye.  At first I thought I was seeing the back end of a really large dog and I went to get a better look.  It was a deer - a young buck deer with some antlers!  He was standing there looking at our fence gate.

I called to Les and as the deer was running towards the back of our yard, Les went out to open the gate for him.  The deer ran back and forth across the back of our yard and made it through the space between the end of our fence and the sound wall.  Our neighbor on that side doesn't have gates, so we hope he made it out and over to the golf course.

Of course, this all happened so fast I didn't have a chance to get to my phone and get a picture of him, but he was beautiful.  This picture I found online is close.

Good start to the day!  Life is great!  Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  
God Bless and America!  (and the deer) 💗

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