Tuesday, April 7, 2020

COVID - 19

Where to start???  I have tried to not focus on this too much when posting. Perhaps I've just seen too many movies and read too many books where there has been a major pandemic that threatens to destroy the world.  But I really have to wonder about things.

I worked for veterinarians for quite a few years and Corona virus was something that they looked for in dogs. It was treatable.  I don't remember ever hearing anything about it being a risk to humans.  And all of a sudden it has mutated and is causing so much sickness and death.  In the books and movies, something like that happens because some evil scientist changed the virus in his lab.  But "stuff" happens and here we are.

I have many issues with all the people who have ignored the warnings and the instructions to stay in.  They are not just risking their own health.  The ones I am most annoyed with are all the people who swarmed the beaches for Spring break.  Even though the beaches have been closed, people are still there!  And second on that list are the ministers who continue to hold worship services for large groups of people saying no one has the right to tell them they can't worship. Stupid!  Also selfish!  Someone who wants to worship can and will find a way to do so on their own.  Many preachers are doing online worship services.  I know for a fact it is entirely possible to talk with God every day on your own without being surrounded by hundreds of people.  I do not need a minister to direct me.

As for Les and me and our family, we are good so far.  I continue to recuperate from my surgery.  We are staying in.  If we do have to go out somewhere, we are very careful.  Almost all shopping is done online.  We are not going out to eat (obviously). We are not going to Starbucks.  Les is not playing golf.  The "Y" is closed.  We are taking care of each other.

Even in unsettling times like this, life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!  And in spite of everything, remember to be grateful!

I will close this with a pleasant picture of our back yard.

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