Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Week's Updates

Like I've said before, time moves fast.  But life is great!

I started out the week with my annual visit to the ear specialist.  The Audiologist said my tests this year were not much different than last year's results, with the exception of the highest frequency.  That was just a couple points better.  Go figure!  Unfortunately, that is not the frequency of Les' voice.  😊

We've had several thunderstorms and downpours this week.  One of those produced a beautiful double rainbow!

We needed the rain and everything in the yard is looking happier and greener.  It's been hot and really humid, and the ground is soft from the rain, so not much yard work is being done.  And these are all conditions that encourage the mosquitoes!  !#@^%&*!!  Also encourages the weeds.  We were backing out of the driveway earlier and I looked over and there was a huge weedy thing growing up out of the azalea at the corner of the porch!  It's gone now.  Put on my gloves and yanked it up when we got home.

I've kept up with the chores and household "stuff", done some errands, and gotten to the Commissary.

I have also had a check-up with my Ortho Doc.  He says keep doing what I've been doing and if I need him, call.  Said I knew where he was.  Yep.

This morning we had our Geek Squad guys come to check out the problem with our sound system.  These same guys have been here often to help us with set-ups and with problems, so I always request them.  Sadly, our large Bose speakers that Les bought when he was stationed in Dhahran in 1983 have died.  They had a good life.   Victor is going to email us some suggestions on which speakers to get and then they will come back.  In the meantime, they fiddled with settings after disconnecting the Bose units and the sound is better for now.  It's just  not the surround sound.

Stay safe, people!  And God Bless America!

And I'll close with a "smile".

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