Saturday, June 15, 2019

Tired, But Satisfied

I have not been able to do a  lot of things that I usually do around here for the last five months or so due to various reasons.  Some of the neglected chores have involved taking care of landscaping and yard things. 

I saw my doctor yesterday and he confirmed that yes, his estimate of six weeks recovery after the surgery probably will take longer.  We discussed a few things, he had some more x-rays taken, and decided I was doing well.  That does not mean that I do not still have tenderness and soreness in my hip area and sometimes in my leg.  But . . . . . . here I am.

And I decided that today, since it is a lovely weather day, I was using my energy for some yard work.  I have been able to take care of the front in little bits and pieces.  You know, curb appeal stuff.  But the backyard was in need of some attention.

I gathered up everything I needed and set to work.  And that was slowly, and carefully, with frequent breaks to sit and enjoy the lovely day.  I had my grabber and a large bag.  Gathered up some bits and pieces, got up some weeds, did some major pruning on the sweet shrub bush.  That was at the top of the list since it had gotten too big and was blocking the view of the day lilies that are starting to bloom. 

So, I'm tired, but feeling like I accomplished something.  I am all showered and shampooed and getting ready to read.  Here are some pictures.

You can just barely see the day lilies starting to peek up behind the rain gauge/weather vane.  The sweet shrub is pruned and dead branches on the oldest of our azaleas have been pruned out, too.

I had to take this picture to show the hydrangeas that I nearly had dug up last Fall.  They had looked so bad then.  But I decided to give them one more chance and pruned them way back.  They are doing much better!  And while they were originally a creamy white color, they now have little pink tinges on the blooms.  Pretty!

These hydrangeas are doing well, too. These are the ones that were originally three different colors.  All the same now, and very pretty. 

Finally, I got some geraniums for the porch pots!  The lady at the garden center told me the season was almost over for buying them, and there weren't many to choose from, but I found two pretty red ones.  They seem to like it on the porch.  

So, all in all, life is great!  Les has his second cataract surgery this coming week.  Kirk, our MDX, goes in for some body work repair for the week, and I start PT again.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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