Wednesday, May 8, 2019

I Am Getting Back

I have been on the computer very little the past week.  But very slowly, I am getting better.  I will be honest, this surgery - although it was one of my shorter ones - has just done a number on me.  Dr. Aldridge had explained everything about the bursectomy before the surgery and I knew what to expect.  I just did not expect to be so wiped out, tired, and exhausted.  Hate to admit it, but age probably has a lot to do with that.  Remember, I truly believe age is just a number.  But this has not been fun.  And you all can accept, too, that we are all getting older.

So add to all that the fact that something I was given during the surgery and after has messed up my digestive system due to my lack of a gallbladder, I am worn out.  But, for some good news, right after the surgery the severe pain in my knee and down my leg from the nerve compression caused by the bursitis was better.  There are still some aches now and then but it is definitely better.  I do have soreness and achiness in my hip/surgery area.  This is supposed to last at least six weeks.  And there is some itchy rash from the surgical scrub and adhesive.  That is getting better slowly.

So, life goes on.  Jacquie stayed with me a couple nights and took good care of me.  Les was out of town on a long planned golf trip and was feeling guilty about being away.  He shouldn't have felt guilty, I told him I wanted him to go right when surgery was first discussed.  But my options were either do it then, or wait a few more weeks.  So please don't give him a hard time about going.

He is home now and all is well.  He spent most of yesterday working in the yard.  The sod was finally delivered yesterday morning.  So far, so good.  I'll keep you posted on how the new sod does, but it looks good right now.

As I always say, life is great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Thanks again, Larry and Violet!

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