Monday, May 20, 2019


Even though the calendar does not say so, I think we can safely say Summer is here in our area.  It was a very humid 94 yesterday and the same is expected today. 

The sprinklers have been running on schedule and the yard is green, some things are blooming.  The latest are our hydrangeas.  When they were planted a few years ago, we had three bushes at the side of the deck; one was pink, one was blue, one was lavender.  Now they are all this pretty color!

Les and I are doing okay and taking care of ourselves.  And we are getting ready for our annual trip for the Military Retiree's Golf Tournament in Myrtle Beach.  I am really looking forward to spending some time just watching the ocean.  I know some of you think that would be boring, but I love it!  Plus we get to spend time with some very good friends!

I don't know how many of  you have watched Game of Thrones, but we enjoyed last night's finale.  I have read all the books and we watched the show from the beginning.  I am sorry Dany turned into the Mad Queen, but I will still wear my sweatshirt.  😊  Considering her family history and all the trauma in her life it really shouldn't have surprised anyone.

So, life remains great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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