Saturday, July 12, 2014

More Memories

Golfer always brings in the newspaper before he leaves to play golf.  This morning he brought in two - our regular one and a copy of the Wall Street Journal!  So I enjoyed my coffee and cereal and read two papers.  I found some interesting articles in the Journal.  The most intriguing was the article on the shortage of night crawlers!  I did not realize that night crawlers were a big business operation.  Evidently imported from Canada, too.  Anyway, this brought back memories.

My Grandpa Claude loved to fish.  After driving Grama Ethel to the grocery on Saturday mornings, fishing was how he spent the weekends.  When I was little, because Mom worked full time, I frequently spent weekends with Grama and Granpa.

I remember going out after dark into the back yard and garden with Granpa.  He'd have a big flashlight and a couple empty coffee cans.  We'd walk along in the dewy grass and he'd shine his light down.  That made the night crawlers move and then we'd pick them up.  If it had rained that day, there were more out and it didn't take long to get enough "bait" for Granpa's weekend fishing.  I wonder if people still do that anywhere?  Or do they just go to the store and buy a box of worms?  That just doesn't seem right.

Stay safe!

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