It used to be that I would do
all the Christmas decorating, clean up afterwards, and still do all the regular daily chores all in one day. Those days are gone. I pace myself. So what is, is! The new state of "normal".
Golfer and I have been working on the decorating. We finished up yesterday. And even though it took several days to complete, it looks nice. Golfer did the heavy stuff, moving boxes and containers, setting up the trees, vacuuming, etc.
Here are some pictures. I was quite excited while decorating the living room tree. This was the very first year ever that the Star Trek ornaments all worked on the first try at plugging them into the light string! This is unheard of! Some years it has taken hours to get them plugged in and working. A couple years it involved taking a trip to the store to buy a new string of lights. The new Hallmark ornaments that are battery powered now are soooooo much easier! I wish Hallmark would reissue the older ornaments and put batteries in them. We have a couple original ones that have stopped working. I miss our Borg Cube!
Living room tree |
Dining room tree. This looks nice from the street! |
The Christmas spirit makes Cecil more sociable.
Cecil (on the left) and Angus under the tree last evening. |
Cinder under the tree |
And while Cecil, Cinder and Angus were enjoying rearranging the tree skirts and resting under the glow of the Christmas lights in peace and calm, this is what Finnigan was up to:
Finnigan on top of the shower wall. This is about six feet high. He was practicing the balance beam and walking back and forth. Also tried to sit on the top edge of the bathroom door! Life is always interesting with our furry kids around. |
So. That is the state of things around here. Stay safe!
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