Friday, June 14, 2013

Hey, All!

First of all, my apologies for not posting a birthday wish for Nurse J on the 10th.  I remembered her birthday, called, texted, etc.  but somehow, didn't get to the blog post.  We love you!  She's had a busy year so far!

I hope all is well with everyone.  Golfer and I are doing okay.  He's had some medical tests recently and is starting a new medication which  hopefully will help with the swelling and pain in his hands.  Getting older is not for wimps, as I have often said.  I see my pain management doctor next week and have several things to discuss with him.  But overall, life goes on and life is good!

We had some repair work done on the house trim earlier in the week.  We'll meet with Jeff, our painter guy, this afternoon to get an estimate on the painting of the house trim.   As you all know, when you own a home there is always something to be done if you are trying to keep it nice and in good repair.

Yesterday was HOT !!!(around 100)  and extremely humid.  Golfer did the yard work early in the day and the yard was looking pretty good.  I had errands and grocery shopping to do. Then did a few things around the house.  About 5:30 it got really dark and the wind started.  BIG WIND!  Then it rained some.  Now we have yard full of bits and pieces to pick up, but no real damage.  I noticed this morning that on the next street one of our neighbors lost at least half a large tree that hit the corner of their house and did some minor damage.  Power was out for some.  Nurse J said theirs came back on about 3:00 a.m.  Fortunately, that wind and storm cooled things down a lot and today is only to be in the 70's.

Here's what the sky looked like as it was starting last evening.  Golfer took the picture.  The clouds were moving fast and very low.

We have heard from our friends in Colorado and so far they are okay.  One couple is actually in Texas right now and someone else is looking after their house.  We are keeping them in our thoughts and prayers.  I've been watching for an update on the Royal Gorge fire.  That was a favorite spot when we lived out there.  The girls didn't care for the huge bridge, but it was beautiful country.  I hope the area survives the fires.  Last year's fires took out the Flying W Ranch, another of our favorites.

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers!  Stay safe!

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