It's been a busy Summer. We had our beach trip the end of May. We got home and got caught up and then there were little projects to get done and other "stuff". Golfer and I have had some doctor's appointments. I have had work. He has played golf.
We took a short trip to Ohio to visit family and attend his 45th high school reunion - Hooray! Fairless H.S Class of '65! It was a nice time and we got to visit with people we had not seen in years! I'm class of '67 and knew a lot of the people also, so it was fun for me too! Seems like the girls from my class dated and/or married the guys of Golfer's class. Anyway, we had fun!
We came home to 105 degree heat. It's been a rough Summer around here. Not much rain and too much extreme heat. Plants have died, grass is brown, and leaves have dried up and fallen off the trees. So we had some extra yard work. I decided not to replace any of the dried up plants at this time, just cleaned them up. A couple nights ago and storm rolled through. Not much rain, but lots of wind. We finished cleaning up from that today and have a pile out at the curb for pick up tomorrow.
I have been busy at work and here at home, getting things done and cleaned and in order. We are looking forward to our end of August Myrtle Beach trip. Several of our friends are going also. The guys will be playing in the big tournament - I think over 3,500 players at last count. Some of the ladies will be doing major shopping trips. I am planning to rest and relax and enjoy the beach and the water. The week after we return I am scheduled for surgery and will be recuperating and doing rehab for while. At this time they say I'll be off work for a least six weeks. Oh, the surgery is for a new left knee. It's time.
Bikini says Boxer and Bloomer are off to a good start with their new school classes and

BeyB's school starts the day after Labor Day. She'd like Summer to last a little longer. Nurse J is also arranging to have some time to help after my surgery, so I think we've got things covered. I'm in the process of stocking up the freezer and pantry.
I hope you all are well and happy! Stay safe! I'm going to close this with one of my favorite pictures from the beach!
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