Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I follow Bikini's tweets, and she's expecting an email response from me. I decided a post was better!

Yes, dear, you and wildlife. Um..... There have been some interesting experiences. For those who are wondering about that cow comment in your tweet, Bikini and Nurse J were young girls. We were visiting family in Ohio and staying with Golfer's parents on the farm. The guys were all out and away doing something and the cow got loose. So Mom P says to the girls and me that she needs help and we are glad to assist. However our round-up skills were not so great and when confronted with a large roaming cow we were really out of out realm of expertise. Let's just say there was much running and squealing. But the cow was safely returned to the pasture and barn and all was well. And the story lives on.

And yes, we all like to watch fish. I don't remember Bikini or Nurse J either one being very helpful at the cleaning of fish bowls and tanks though. When they were in school they sometimes got free coupons from a pet store for a free goldfish. Usually they lived a day or two at the most. I didn't want to try any more, but they talked me into it and we got two more goldfish while they were still in grade school. Those babies set a record! I was still cleaning the bowl and feeding the fish long after the girls graduated and moved out! And I have to tell you geriatric goldfish aren't all that interesting to watch. When one of them died, the other one got bigger to fill in the space. And he faded so he almost looked albino when he finally died.

So now, on to chickens. I would recommend banties. (sp?) When I was a small girl, Mom and I lived in a large house with a huge yard right on Main street in the small town where I grew up. I have great memories of that time. It was a big old house with a secret passage between two of the rooms that most people did not know about. There was a pump in the back yard. We had a long grape arbor and several fruit trees and large garden. There was even a tiny fish pond. My Grandpa liked to fish and he would often keep a couple alive and bring to put in the pond. Mom had some banty chickens and I would gather the eggs. We also had a couple bunnies at times. And a pair of geese! Large and protective geese! Mom made little leather bands for their legs and I could walk them out front. NO one came in our yard with them out there!

So, anyway, Bikini, if you want to try chickens, good luck. Once you get to know them they aren't that scary. For the most part they have tiny beaks and don't bite much. They are fun to feed. And you can have the joy of washing your own private supply of eggs!

Stay safe!

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