Saturday, January 30, 2010

SNOW DAY! (even if it is Saturday!)

Hey, all!

We are in the midst of a big snow storm here. Some of the TV folks are calling it a monumental event. I don't know if I would go that far, but we don't get this much snow very often around here. There are several inches already and we may get up to twelve inches according to the forecasts.

Golfer made it home last evening before the snow started, so we are all safe and sound. Nurse J called this morning and they are all in for the day and safe, too. And Bikini tweeted that she got home from her work trip and all is okay except for an explosion of laundry and toys and such that greeted her when she got home.

A large number of birds has been hanging out in our back yard. They have already emptied the feeder. I saw cardinals, wrens, a red-headed woodpecker and several other kinds. Pretty. And they are providing entertainment for the furry kids sitting in the windows looking out!

Cancellation notices started running yesterday afternoon while the sun was still out. It doesn't take much to shut things down here in the Tidewater area. Basically there are constant announcements to "stay home, don't go out unless it's an emergency".

Golfer and I are catching up on our recorded TV programs. I took a break from that and did the ironing. The last of the laundry is in the dryer. I have some other projects around here I'll be working on later.

I hope you are all doing well. Stay safe!

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