Day thirty-eight! We're done! Kirk came and touched up the grout. He will return on Monday afternoon to put a sealer on the tile. That's an extra thing we have chosen to do. Seemed like a good idea when Kirk told us about it.
The mirror guys showed up and were very careful about the installation and getting them where we wanted them. You will notice the mirror reflection in some of the photos. They are nice and shiny!
Golfer arrived home about 10:00 for a meeting with Mike. We're happy, we're satisfied, and the bathroom is beautiful!
When everyone had cleared out of here, I started puttering around in there. Moving things in, moving them around, seeing what fit where. Golfer gets to move his personal items when he gets home, and I have told him nothing is permanent that I moved in. If it doesn't work for him we'll find a compromise.

The furry kids are delighted that they were released from confinement early. And they've been in there rolling all over the new rugs.
We have decided that our old bathroom decorations and wall things aren't going back in. So we need to find something else we like to decorat

The work was finished this morning. The porta-potty was gone by 2:00.
Thank you to ABL and to their people who did a great job!
Although this blog started as a way to document the bathroom renovation, I think I will continue posting now and then. There are days when I just feel like I have something to say! (whether anyone wants to hear it or not!) :)
So, onward we go!
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