Friday, July 21, 2023

High Aspirations


This poor holly bush has had a couple rough years.  For a quite a while it was shaded by the neighbor's  very large, very old pine tree.  She had it removed for safety reasons and everything in this corner of our yard is now growing better than ever.  Then the bush had a complete dead limb happen and I had to prune it out.  That made it pretty lop-sided.  That has filled in pretty well now.  And this sweet bush now has a growing, long stem? branch? growing right up the middle.  When I first noticed it, I thought maybe I should prune it.  Then I decided to let it go and let it grow.  It is really making an effort.  There is another holly bush in this area, it might just be showing off. 😊

Les and I are doing alright.  I've completed several larger cleaning and housekeeping projects since my last newsy post.  There is yard work waiting to be done.  But honestly, with heat index temperatures at 100 or higher, those chores are waiting.  (I am not stupid) 😀

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.  Take care of yourselves.  Life is good.  God Bless America!

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