Friday, March 18, 2022


There is a lot of talk now about time, specifically Daylight Saving Time.  I'm seeing reports and articles in the paper, online, in Facebook posts.  Honestly, I don't know what so many are so worked up about.  

As I learned in school, DST was started to help the farmers and others who worked outdoors.  It gave them more light at the end of the day to take care of crops, animals, and get their work done.  Of course that meant that they had to work in the dark in the mornings.

I don't really think it's that big a deal to change a clock.  We have to change the cuckoo clock ourselves, and for some reason our landline phone doesn't change.  Just about everything else changes on its own. 

Here are my thoughts on all this.  Since time began and someone invented clocks and started keeping track, there have been twenty-four hours in a day.  When you "Fall back" you gain an hour temporarily.  You lose that hour when you "Spring forward".  It is still twenty-four hours in a day. And I figure it always will be unless there is some sort of catastrophic event in the galaxy.

You know, there have always been discussions and some confusion about DST though.  When I was a little girl, Mom and I lived in Navarre, Ohio.  We observed DST.  My Grama and Granpa lived in Dover, Ohio.  There are roughly sixteen miles between the two towns.  Dover did not observe DST.  Grama was always having discussions and worries when a dinner or a visit was being planned.  It was always "Is that my time or your time?"  She especially worried when I got old enough to ride the Greyhound bus by myself to go stay with them (Mom did not own a car)  Granpa would always go to the Dover bus station to get me.  He also always stopped at his favorite bar, got a beer, and got me a grape soda and told me not to tell Grama.  You know, the buses often ran late. 😇

We have friends in Arizona.  Arizona does not observe DST.  Neither does Hawai'i. It gets confusing sometimes.

So, use your time wisely.  Take care of yourselves and stay safe. And God Bless America!

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