Monday, March 7, 2022

Having Some Quiet Time


And wouldn't most of us just like to cover our heads sometimes and hide away from the state of the world?

There is no need for me to list all the many things that are worrying us and stressing us.  We need to deal with it all the best we can. Look for the good!  

But I have to comment on something I saw this morning at our doctor's office.  I mentioned in a previous post that I have had a UTI.  I finished the antibiotics and needed to go back for some additional tests and cultures to make sure the medicine had taken care of it.  As I was standing in the line to check-in, I was reading some of the new signs that have been posted.  It is just a really sad state of affairs when your doctors have to post signs saying the office is a safe place and certain things are  prohibited.  Things like pushing, hitting, swearing, putting your hands on someone else.  I'm sorry, if you aren't civilized enough to behave in public, stay home and stay away from everyone else!

I admit I have had more days of low patience than usual and I hate this.  But I am trying.

So take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  And GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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