Sunday, February 13, 2022


We had two very nice days of warmer temperatures and sunshine.  Yesterday I worked in the yard for a couple hours and got some cleanup and pruning done.  It would have been a perfect day to go to the garden center and get some pansies for the porch pots . . . . except for the forecast for today.  

Today it was 41 the last I looked and the temperature is dropping. It might snow this evening. I could do without the snow.  I saw some buds and leaves starting on our Hydrangeas.  Some of the neighbors have Crocus and Daffodils coming up.

So, today is Super Bowl Sunday.  I need to check what time things start so I can get my shower and be ready.  I don't want to miss any of the commercials!

Jacquie says they are all okay at her house.  C & E sent their Valentines in to their class.  They had to be there a week early for "decontamination".  Not sure what that involves, but probably sounds like a good idea.  The way of the world now.

Pam says they are okay there at her house.  Everyone is busy.  School is going well. B just received an award. Congratulations to her!

I got an early Valentine gift from Les.  Beautiful, cute, and yummy!  Love you, honey!

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good!  God Bless America!

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