Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Guardians

Those who know me know that I have always loved the Cleveland Indians......and Chief Wahoo.  So if you do not, just skip reading this post.  And if you read this and get annoyed and upset, that's on you.  You are entitled to your opinion but I do not want to hear about it.

I grew up in Ohio.  I never got to go to many Indians' games, but my Mom was a huge fan up until she died at age 101. The games would be played on her radio and on the TV.  She would cheer and yell and clap as she watched and listened.  She had her hats, shirts, and other Chief Wahoo items.  I NEVER heard anything demeaning or bad about the Chief.  He was well loved.  He represented strength, bravery, skill, and goodness.  BTW, those are all qualities that I think of when I think about Native Americans.

As Les and I have moved around with his USAF career, we have remained true to the Cleveland teams.  If possible when we would go back to Ohio to visit family, he would try to get to a game with his brother; sometimes I went along.

I believe that God made everyone.  I believe that no one should be racially persecuted. I truly believe that everyone should just take a big breath and get along.

I do not know who started the protest about Chief Wahoo or the protests about the team name.  Honestly, I do not care who started it.  I have my opinions about those who start all the protests about so many things and do all the complaining and whining, but I'm not going into that here.  Again, those who know me know my house rule of "no whining".  Put on a smile, get to work, and take care of things.

I suppose we will eventually get used to this new name.  But when I hear "Cleveland Guardians" my first thought is guardians of what??  The first thing to come to my mind was "Guardians of the Galaxy" and the Star Lord.  And does anyone else notice the resemblance to one of the logos from "The Flash" characters? 

So. It is what it is. I do not like it.  But, as I well know, I am not in charge of the world.  

And that is just too bad.  I would be making some changes in a few things if I were.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  And God Bless America!!

I still love you, Chief Wahoo.

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