Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Just Saying Hi

I hope you are all safe and doing well.  Les and I are doing okay and trying to stay safe.

He did yard work yesterday.  The push power mower didn't want to work.  So he had to do everything with the riding mower and trimmer.  Then he took the push mower to the shop.  Turns out it had bad gas in it and some sort of gel had accumulated inside.  They kept it for a couple hours and then called us.  The mower is back home now, but hasn't been used yet.  New gas cans have been ordered and the old bad gas will be disposed of. 

In the process of getting the mower in and out of the MDX, Les discovered he had left his club covers in the golf cart on Monday.  Fortunately, yesterday was Tuesday and he could get on base, so he ran out and checked and got them back!

I did some clean-up outside.  It's been hot and humid and we have the sprinkler system running several days a week.  The yard guys came yesterday right after Les mowed and they put down some fertilizer and weed killer. 

The other activity yesterday was picking up our grocery order.  No huge surprises this time.

Our day lilies have been blooming.  Very pretty, but focus on the "day" part of the name.  The pretty blooms last a day, then they are done.

Stay safe and be careful!  God Bless America!

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