Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Questions We Ask and Are Asked, and How I Am Feeling About the General State of Things.

How are you?

Staying safe?

Are you being careful?

Have you been around anyone who is sick? 

Have you traveled?

And here are some answers:

Coping, but I think doing okay.

Trying to.  Wearing a mask, gloves, staying in.

Not that I know of, but there are supposedly so many people with no visible symptoms.

No.  Have not gone anywhere that hasn't been related to medical needs, food, or necessary appointments.
. . . . . . . . . . . .

I am greatly disappointed in the number of people who have a total disregard for others and do not wear masks, who gather in large groups, and who don't follow safety rules. 

I had a burst of braveness and wanted some fresh fruit.  I thought I'd try the open air farmers' market this morning.  While driving there I saw so many people out running, walking, biking, sitting together on benches.  NONE of them were wearing masks or taking any precautions.  At the market there were marks on the floor for distancing and plexiglass shields at the checkouts.  I put on my mask and gloves, got what I wanted and was back in the car in under ten minutes.  Mask wearing was about 50% for the other shoppers.  I stayed away from those without masks.  When I got home I scrubbed my hands, used our sanitizing spray, wiped the car door handles and buttons.  Also wiped the card I used and my drivers license.  And now I am in for the day.

For many years, I believe since 1996, on Memorial Day weekend we are traveling to Myrtle Beach for the Military Retirees Golf Tournament.  It's a wonderful week to visit with friends, sit and look at the ocean, and for Les and his buddies to play some golf.  This year that is not happening.  The tournament has been postponed until November as of now; subject to future changes if needed.  Actually, about now, we would be having some lunch at our favorite stop, then checking in to our condo, and then getting groceries to get ready for the week.  And once all  unpacked and things put away, we would go to our friends' home and have a wonderful time with them.  I miss all this.  And I know Les does, too.  I would also be looking forward to taking some pictures like this during the coming week.

These pictures are from previous years taken from our balcony.

Stay safe and remember that life is still great.  Things will get better.  And God Bless America!

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