Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Things I Don't Ever Want to Forget

I was born and raised in Navarre, a small town in rural Ohio.  It always felt safe.  I could walk from one end of town to the other by myself.

Mom worked hard to support the two of us and even though we didn't have a lot of material things, I never, ever felt deprived.  I always felt loved.

I have always felt loved during my life with Les, and he is my best friend.  We have had a great life and seen many wonderful things and been to places we never dreamed we would see.

We have two beautiful, talented, responsible daughters.

We have five wonderful grandchildren.  I hope the world treats them well.

When I was little, Mom and I could sometimes see the Northern Lights from the backyard.

When there was a Summer storm, Mom liked to take the screen out of the bedroom window and we would sit in the open window and watch it with our feet sticking out on the roof.  I still like a good storm.

Also when I was little, we had neighbors Bob and Shirley.  Bob played the guitar and on Summer evenings we would all sit on the porch and he would play and we would all sing.

Les and I used to square dance and we were members of the Twirl-a-Teens.

Grama was a great cook and baker.  Granpa used to let me "help" in the garden and we would wash the veggies off with the hose and eat as we worked.

I had a pair of pet guard geese.  Mom made little ankle bands for them and we walked them with a leash on Main Street.  They would NOT let anyone bother me.

I used to climb up to the top of the TV antenna.  I loved it up there.

Saturday evenings will always be "Star Trek and burrito night", even though the show isn't on and we don't always have burritos on Saturday any more.

People still think, after all these years, that we will move back to Ohio. At least most of them have stopped asking us.  It's a wonderful state and we love it, but can't see ourselves moving back.  Even though it has surprised people over the years, we have made it a point to adapt and loved everywhere we have lived.

If you want to know something, ask.

I love cats, way more than I like a lot of people in the world.

Stay calm, stay safe and love each other.

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